Sunday, August 21, 2005

First Days of College

Well I moved in at Drury yesterday and have been so busy. I am completely unpacked, but I have yet to have time to take out the trash. Yesterday I went to buy my books, it wasn't nearly as bad as I expected, only $273.75. Yes, only. Today we learned what our community service project is going to be, we will be helping Habitat for Humanity. We aren't sure what we will be doing, but they told so to wear tennis shoes and clothes we don't mind becoming another color. I'm thinking painting which would be awesome. The food they have had is better than I expected, I think I have eaten more fruit in the last two days than I have had in 6 months. Today really wasn't that busy, we went to Convocation, Alpha, and then we went ice skating, it was so much fun. While we were in the skating rink, the bottom fell out of the sky. It was raining so hard it flooded most of the streets. My suitemates and I left the rink early because we were tired and didn't know how long it was going to rain. My suitemates are Sarah (my bathroom mate(that sounds kinda dirty but you know what I mean)), Brooke (next door to me), and Jessica (end of the hall). They are so cool, we all get along great! It is kinda scary though because we have only lived together for two days and we can already finish each other's sentences. Being in the dorms is so weird, yesterday when Brooke and I had to run to Walmart we realized that we didn't have to ask for permission to leave. Weird. One of the wierdest things is that since we leave the suite door open (our individual doors are always locked) when I walk out of my room in the morning I see straight in to Charles' room since he is up before me. Anyway after the rain stopped, Charles, Amy, Jazmyne, and I went to "The Square" which is the popular area of downtown were the clubs are. We went to this coffee shop called The Mudhouse. It had the best coffee and tea I have ever had. I noticed earlier that I am still watching my step expecting to trip over C.M. and it is still new to not be attacked by a puppy and a hungry little brother when I walk in the door. Well I should probably get off and go to bed (after the South Park marathon, of course) since I have to wake up early in the morning. I love you all. Goodnight.


Blogger Michelle said...

Well I'm glad to hear you're doing good and that you have a blog! I'll check in on you from time to time. Have fun!

9:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sounds like fun. I like the idea of a blog. Love ya.....Mom

4:33 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Welcome to blogdom. It looks great. I'm glad you decided to build one. Have with your bathroom buddy, I mean with your classmates. I'm proud of you!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Welcome to blogdom. It looks great. I'm glad you decided to build one. Have with your bathroom buddy, I mean with your classmates. I'm proud of you!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Welcome to blogdom. It looks great. I'm glad you decided to build one. Have with your bathroom buddy, I mean with your classmates. I'm proud of you!

6:51 PM  
Blogger Julia said...

Welcome to blogdom. It looks great. I'm glad you decided to build one. Have with your bathroom buddy, I mean with your classmates. I'm proud of you!

6:51 PM  

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