Friday, August 26, 2005


Quote of the Day: "Break out of the widgetness." - Dr. Jeanie

This is Charles, he is directly across the hall from me. I know you won't believe this but he is actually a bigger smartass than me. Hey, don't look at me in that tone of voice. Yes, I see your looks, but it is true he really is.

This is Jessica, she lives in my suite at the end of the hall. Her roommate, Brooke, was gone when I took these pictures so I don't have any of her but she is from Broken Arrow.

This is Sarah and Eric. Sarah is my roommate, her mother also went to Drury. Eric lives in Wallace, the scary dorms next door. I say scary because it was built in like 1919 and looks like function and safety were an after thought. The fire exit is a tall narrow spiral staircase, SPIRAL. Who is going to go down a spiral staircase in flip-flops and they're p.j.s (we are in college, that is what we wear) and not fall to they're death in a fire, stay calm my ass. Eric, by the way is also on the soccer team.

This is Jazmyne, she is Raegan's roommate and lives next door to Amy.

This is Patrick and Amy. Patrick is just being a dork, as usual. He is from Saint Louis. For Labor Day, if the plans don't change, we are going to stay at his parent's house and go to Six Flags. As of now, Amy, Patrick, Jazmyne, and I will be the ones going. Charles is going home to Rolla, Dork.

This is Brian and Raegan, Raegan lives in the same suite as Amy. Brian is a friend of Kolby's, whose door they are standing in front of.

This is Amy, she lives down the hall from me. She is from Monett but was born in Bartlesville. I don't think I spelled that right. She is a dog trainer at Pets Mart.

My mommy in the hotel, in her favorite attire, with the blanket she left there, poor Mama.

My daddy on the computer in the hotel on the weekend I moved into my dorm.


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