Friday, November 04, 2005


I am about to go on a rant and I guarantee not all of you will agree with me but I'm still going to say it. In my Alpha class all we talk about is racism, sexism, freedom, and equality. We talk about how great equality would be, not just between races but between sexes, religions, and nationalities. Ok here we go. There is a reason there is no equality and there is a reason why there will never be equality. It is called money. I'm not saying that some people are better than others, that's not what I mean. I'm just saying that money is the reason that we are not equal. To give an example, put yourself in my shoes. You are a college student paying thousands of dollars and working your ass off trying to get a degree. Ok, so if everyone is equal in every way then that degree you just got means jack shit. That's equality. People may say they want equality but they don't, what they want is whatever makes them stroll happily along and what makes them sleep at night. That is what people want. They could care less about whether Bob, Tyrone, Pedro, and Jill all get paid the same or whether they have the same opportunities. After all, if we don't see it, it doesn't exist. So there is my take on equality, feel free to leave your comments but I can't promise I won't scream obscenities as I read them. Love you all. Good night.


Blogger Michelle said...

I think we have about all the equality we are going to get in this country. Now days it's just another word for someone to stand on and have a reason to protest. If we pleased everyone, there would still be someone bitching. That's how America is. It's neither right or wrong. It's a freedom we have. If we pleased Pedro..then Tyrone might wonder where his share is. Then John C. Whitey will say we are favoring the minority. It makes you want to pull your hair out sometimes, but can you imagine if we lived in a country where we had no voice?

3:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Equality is nothing more or less than equality of opportunity. It's having the opportunity to go as far as your abilities and talent will take you. If you have talent you can become a great singer, or if you have the ability you can be a great Physicist; However if you are dumb as a box of rocks and your singing sounds like fingernails on a blackboard, then you need to talk to McDonald's.

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said daddy..

8:44 PM  

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