Saturday, August 27, 2005


I had to make two posts today because I thought it might be faster to load with all of the pictures I posted. First I must make an obvious statement but it must be said: College is f-ing expensive. After I bought the majority (what I thought was ALL) of my books I was relieved because it didn't seem nearly as expensive as some people have said. But then I found out there were two books I needed that I didn't have, one for International Relations, one for Photography. So, of course, I went back to the bookstore to get them, the one for IR wasn't too expensive, just about $20 for the course study packet which I can't return. Was I that lucky with Photo? Of course not. That book, USED was $55! Then I have to drop an estimated $200-$250 on supplies for the class and that is on top of the $200 I already spent on my camera. I love photography but I don't know if I will be able to afford it this semester. Speaking of money, I had a job interview yesterday for the Office Assistant for the Professor at the head of the Math Academy. I was interviewed by her receptionist and secretary. They seemed impressed with the computer skills I have and the programs I know fluently, they also liked that I had been a teacher's aide last year, I guess because I already know how to use the standard office equipment. They said I will know by the end of next week if I have it or not. If I don't get it, it won't be all bad. Amy, one of the girls down the hall, works as a dog trainer at Pets Mart and she said they are desperate for more dog trainers. She already talked to her boss about me and I went to meet him and explained that I would apply if I don't get the other job. It would be really great to be a dog trainer. I would make about $7 an hour plus 20% commission off of each lesson that is sold in my name. It would also mean an all expenses paid trip home! The regional dog trainer for Pets Mart works in Edmond, and I would have to go there for her to certify me to train. I would also get a 20% discount which means more treats for the puppy. Oh, how many teenagers don't know how to do laundry? Apparntly I am the only one who does. I had to teach Jessica how and then had to explain it step by step to Charles. I can understand not knowing the setting to put it on because the machines we have are confusing, thats the only help Jessica needed. But how can you be 18 and not know what colors you can wash together or what types of clothes to wash together. Charles thought he could wash his jeans with his jeans with his sheets and his towels on the heavy duty cycle. Then he didn't know where to put the detergent. BOYS! I'm sure you're tired of reading now, and I have a ton and a half of homework for the weekend, so Good Night.


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