Sunday, November 20, 2005

Stupid Stoners

I have to rant about these two guys who came through my line at work today. They bought a set up for XM satellite radio, which means I have to take their name, address and phone number to sign up for the first month of service. These two dweebs were so completely stoned that they could not remember their phone number BETWEEN THE TWO OF THEM, one of them had to check his cell phone to find out. That alone was bad enough but no it got worse (he did know his name, luckily). I asked his address and they both had to think for a minute. While they were thinking the guy started filling out his check to pay. I don't know about your checks but the last time I checked, mine have my f-ing address PRINTED ON THEM. So the moral of the story is: I could care less if you want to get stoned but if you come to a certain electronics store and come through a certain someone's line, I will kill you. And then I will hang pop tarts over your head just out of your reach just to be mean. If you are going to get stoned stay at home at stare at your feet like a normal person, okay? Don't make me suffer through your stupidity or I will hurt you. I'm done.


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