Monday, August 28, 2006

Ahlan wa sahlan

Hello all (the title means Welcome, in Arabic, by the way). I don't really have any news, I'm just sitting at my computer rockin' out to .38 Special, I have great taste, I know. No update on the roommate situation other than she is annoying the crap out of me because she doesn't clean up after herself. How hard is it to wash off the spoon you just used, honestly? I really like all the classes I've been to so far, one of them I don't have until tomorrow. The hardest class is definitely Arabic, it takes a while to get used to that whole reading and writing backward thing. Plus, the way the letters are written is hella confusing, each letter has four forms depending on its placement in the word. FOUR! EACH! Overkill if you ask me, but they didn't. You have no idea what kinds of weird looks you get when you refer to one of your classes simply as "Sex," the full name is Human Sexuality, but still, weird looks. On another note, even though it goes against everything I stand for, I am seriously thinking about rushing a sorority next semester. Now before you all keel over from a heart attack, let me explain. A girl in one of my classes said that her mom works for a staffing agency type thingy and she (the mom) said that people whose resumes have any Greek organization on them get snatched up three times faster than any other applicant. That is a huge benefit when looking for a job, on top of all the networking you get through the sororities members. I have friends in all the sororities so I would probably get into which ever one I wanted. I think that is about all I have to say, Goodnight, all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmmmm.... .38 special, maryjane, sex class, hmmmmmm
what did I miss out on not going to college????


10:23 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

You know....if you sweet talk to Joe maybe he can help you with your arabic a tad. He is still going to study it even though he's not in the class anymore. He wants to test out of it byt the time we leave here. He did get through 3/4 of the class. I think he can do it.(mind you the year and some change class he was in is equal to a 4 year degree in college once finished)

9:38 AM  

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