Thursday, August 24, 2006

Massive Update Time

So, I'm moved into my new apartment. I absolutely love it, except for the 3 block walk to the main part of campus, but I'll get over that. Let's see, we've already had security called to our apartment once, because of my beautiful, genius roommate. She and two of her friends decided to smoke pot in our apartment and then leave to go to the quad to get plastered, leaving Devin and I there to deal with the smell. We called our other roommate, Micah, so she would come over to 1) Smell how horrible it was and 2) have a talk with #1 roommate about smoking in our apartment. On her way over, one of her boyfriend's friends called security. Devin and I were standing on the porch, because the smell was that bad, and security starts walking up the stairs. They said they had a report of someone smoking pot in our apartment and asked if they could come in. Of course, Devin and I let them in, they could smell it as soon as we opened the door. They asked us who was smoking and where, we told them who it was, apparently they could tell that we were pissed. Our roomie always leaves her door unlocked, so I let them in her room. She left her pipe on her bed, unclean, and the bag with the rest of the pot in the top of her trash can. Security confiscated both, by the way this was Monday night. Yesterday, our roomie was called in for a meeting with Kevin French, the head of security. When she came back she was pissed, went into her room, slammed the door, threw something against the wall, and started screaming. Meanwhile, one of her friends, who happens to be a frat boy, was accusing all of us in the living room of turning her in. He threatened one of our friends, who isn't even involved, over the phone, Devin to her face, Micah, Micah's boyfriend, and the friend who called. The little pip-squeak making threats doesn't bother me because any one of us could break him in half, it is the frat that backs him up that bothers me. Anyway, after my favorite roomie finished screaming, she came out and told us that she either had to pay $500 or move off campus. At this point, I would much rather her move out. She keeps causing more problems and blaming everyone she can when there is no one to blame but herself. I really don't know what to do. Some help would be great.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tell the frat boys that if they give you any trouble I'll turn my frat bothers loose and my frat includes half the police officer in Missouri.

6:09 PM  

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