Saturday, April 22, 2006

Which political party is right?

I stumbled upon this website that gave very satirical answers to political questions. I thought this was pretty funny. This is what it said in response to this question:

Which political party is right?

None of them. None that I've ever heard of, anyway, in the U.S. or out of it. There isn't a single political party, including the Libertarian Party, that knows what it's doing or whose party platform wouldn't destroy the country if actually carried out. The most you can hope to accomplish by switching your vote is to tilt the balance in the right direction.

At present, the United States has two major problems. The first is that the country is growing over-bureaucratized; the law, the administrative structure, is strangling what it attempts to regulate. The second is that the Republican and Democratic parties, with no real competition, are starting to form an aristocracy distinct from the people. At present the people still hold the balance of power between the two parties, so they compete for power by trying to please the people. But there is no way either party will enact term limits, for example. Most modern countries face at least one of these problems.

When voting in the United States, follow this algorithm: Vote Libertarian when available; otherwise, vote for the strongest third party available (usually Reform, unless they have a really evil candidate); then vote for any candidate who isn't a lawyer; then vote Republican (at present, they're slightly better).

Three things you should know:

  1. The (top-billed) Libertarians are wrong, just like everyone else, but they are wrong in the right direction to correct several major problems. When the country becomes too deregulated, I'll let you know.
  2. Vote for any Independent or third-party candidate, even a Communist, for any position except President or Governor. Any damage inflicted by one loony legislator is less important than moderating the excess of power accumulated by the present two-party structure.
  3. Voting for said Communist does not imply your approval of, say, any national debt accumulated by said Communist. The only thing that makes you morally liable for the national debt is if you yourself would have chosen to spend the money. So get out there and choose the lesser of two evils.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The problem with this plan is it will only take votes from the Republicans, that admittedly are a little better.

7:43 PM  
Blogger SNAKE HUNTERS said...

Which political party?

Now that's a complex question that has a variety
of nebulous answers. So, look carefully at the Agenda
of each. Study Religions of
the World, same problem.

Who's an Internationalist?
Who believes in our Laws
(Rules Governing Conduct),
or would you prefer to live
under Sharia totalitarian
form. The Ayatollah is
Infallible, didn't you know?

1:30 PM  
Blogger Samantha said...

Both of you really need to learn to take a joke. Lighten up.

8:32 PM  

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