Sequiota Park
Today, Devin and I went to Sequiota Park to take pictures. I took Charles' digital camera because I was nearly out of film. I pretty much just took random pictures but here are some of my favorites.

Okay!?! There are no fish, just to let you know.

Random people playing frisbee.


This goose cracked me up. It just got attacked by another goose in the water. The other goose latched onto its back feathers. So this one started to fly off and slammed the other goose into the little wall at the bottom. It was amazing.

This guy had these dogs, I thought they were really pretty.

This is a tree, in case you didn't know.
I've always wondered what a tree looked like.
I think that sign is really saying...ksjheruoeyrn198783761345kjnxjdiuweyr98734...which of course is Bohemian for keep off the grass.
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