Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving and various others

Monday, November 13, 2006

Spring Classes

I just finished registering for my spring classes. Here is my schedule:

Fundamentals of Cell Biology MWF 2-2:50
Lab T 8-10:50
Values Analysis MWF 9-9:50
Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences MWF 10-10:50
Personality Theory in Psychology TR 1:30-2:50
Digital Photography MW 5:20-8

That comes to a grand total of 17 hours.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

New Pictures

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

I Stole Michelle's Idea

Create Your Own!
Several of these pictures look similar because I was trying to figure out how the depth of field was on this camera compared to my film slr. I took these at Sequiota Park because it was absolutely beautiful today. I'll probably have more tomorrow, Adam told me about a really pretty park I've never been to, so I might go there.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

I Hate Blogger

So, I got an amazing new camera(thanks mom and dad) and took some awesome, yet completely random pictures, but, blogger is being stupid and won't let me upload them. Damn you blogger. By the way, the camera is a 10 megapixel Canon Rebel XTI(yes, that is a digital slr). I am in love with this camera. Once again, DAMN YOU BLOGGER.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


Today, we got to see pictures of where we will be staying in Rome. Here's the guys. And here's the girls. Our apartment is basically next door to the Roman Forum, the Circus Maximus, and the Colosseum. The guys are about a 15 minute walk away in the middle of the more modern area of the city.
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