Saturday, October 29, 2005


I want this loft so bad.

Now for the price tag. . . only $1100 a month for the two bedroom penthouse, $1200 for three bedrooms.

My Job

I got the job at Best Buy. Woo Hoo! I have orientation tomorrow morning. I'm so happy I won't be poor anymore. Hopefully I'll actually be able to pay off my credit card. I'll keep my fingers crossed. Change of topic, I did well on my midterms, I have a 3.0. So another Woo Hoo. I'm almost sure I have other news but I'm drawing a blank. How is everyone? Leave me some comments, tell me what's going on. I'm in a bubble, I need info. Love you, good night.

Monday, October 24, 2005


Hey mom, this is for you. I heard someone say this today "I love the St. Louis Cardinals! Yeah, cuck the fubs! Cuck them, yes cuck them right in the ear." I love you.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


Okay, so I lied. I didn't write when I got back from my interview, Sorry. The interview went well, they are supposed to call me for a second interview. I am really trying to write a paper right now but it just isn't working. OH! We almost died Friday night. Charles, Patrick, Amy, Kristy and I went to this abandoned town we had been looking for. Well, we found it and Charles almost drove the car into the middle of the quarry which caused one of the greatest quotes I've ever heard: "The scariest part of that was turning on my lights and seeing 10 feet in front of me a billion foot dropoff into the abyss of hell" - Charles. Well, I think that is about all for now. See ya later.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Woo Hoo 2

To answer Cheryl's question: I'm here, just busy. I have an interview at Best Buy for Loss Prevention at 3:30. Wish me luck! I'll probably post again when I get back.

Monday, October 10, 2005

I Dun Know

I hate trying to come up with titles. Anyway, I am trying to write a speech, study for a midterm, watch some show about the arc, and listen to the new Nickelback album all at the same time. It isn't going to well, I've pretty much given up. I get to go home this weekend and work 49 hours at Frontier City on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Fun times but hey it's money. I applied for a job in Loss Prevention at Best Buy, my friend Garett works there and said he'd talk to the managers and see if I can get the job. It would be the perfect job, except that I'd have to work the day after Thanksgiving and the day after Christmas. I think I could deal with it as long as I'm getting paid. Well I think that is all for now, I will see some of you on Wed. the rest I'll see you whenever. Now back to my multi-tasking. Love you all.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

New Plan

This morning I finished writing my first paper for International Relations, it only took six and a half hours of straight work. After that, I don't think I want to be a Political Science major. I think I might do a double major in Religion and Psychology and then get a masters in Criminology. I think I want to be a professor. Now to sleep I go.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

More Quotes

"I may be drunk but I'm not stupid." - Jaz

"When you fail at killing yourself, that is when you really need to kill yourself." - Lil Bit

"Hi, I have scissors." - Todd, the RA

"He's an Indian, you know, the dot not the feather." - Raegan

"Aliens landed at my house last night." - Dr. Jeanie, it wasn't aliens and it is a long story.


I have found a new obsession. Apparently, there are these things called "easter eggs" all over Drury's website. For those of you who don't know an easter egg is a random link hidden in text that shouldn't be there but someone wanted to be funny. They are hilarious. I think I have found 3. Now I must go look for more.

Sunday, October 02, 2005


I just have a simple question, maybe someone can enlighten me. WHY ARE BOYS SO STUPID?

That's all.
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